The Golf Union of Iceland is founded 14th of August in 1942 by the three golf clubs in Iceland at that time, The Akureyri golf club, The Reykjavík golf club and the Vestman Island golf club. The task of the Golf Union is to encourage the development of golf in Iceland and be responsible for the sport to the relevant governing bodies in the country.

The Golf Union of Iceland is a member of the Internatioanl Golf Federation, European Golf Association, The R&A and the International Olympic Committee through the National Olympic Commitee of Iceland.

There are 65 golf courses throughout the country whereas 61 of them are members of the Golf Union of Iceland. There are three 27 hole course, fifteen 18 hole golf courses, two 12 hole courses  and forty 9 hole golf course in the country. The population in Iceland is just below 400.000 inhabitants and 25.000 golfers are registered in golf clubs within the Golf Union. It is estimated by puplic research that about 35.000 individuals play golf regularily every year or about 10% of the population.

The golf season in Iceland is of course depending on weather,but usually first courses open in April and the season is usually 5-6 months.

With one of the shortest playable seasons in the golf industry the Icelandic golf market continues to prove their strength in terms of participation, rounds played and player development. As a nation of of just under 400 thousand people they currently have the highest golf participation rate of about 9%. Another impressive figure statistics is the 33% share of the golfing population that is represented by females.

Not only are our courses played by Icelandairs. Golfers from all over the world are visiting our courses around the country. In  spite of short season we have longer days than most other  golf destinations during summer. So number of tee times is higher than you would expect only looking at the limited golf season.

In 2008 foreign golfers played about 500 rounds on our course, but 2023 they played around 11.000.

The Icelandic Golf Union has experienced a continuous growth rate in the number of members since the foundation and golf is rapidly becoming one of the largest sports in Iceland. 

The Golf Union of Iceland is situated in Laugardalur, the sporting center of Reykjavík.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Iceland!

President: Mrs. Hulda Bjarnadottir
General Secretary: Mr. Brynjar Eldon Geirsson

The Golf Union of Iceland,
Engjavegur 6,
104 Reykjavík,
